Review: TFDx PoweredUp event

I participated in the TFDx PoweredUp event in June 2020. This post is a round-up of the content I created and my experience at the event.

Before I get started, I should say that I was not paid for participating in the event, and I was not required to create any content as a condition of participation.

In full transparency, I was sent a goody/swag box. That was very nice and yummy. Thank you Tech Field Day and Dell Storage team!

PoweredUp swag

Product Marketing Overview

I want to start my review of the PoweredUp event with a look from a product marketing perspective. I don’t know for sure if this happens, but I do know as a product marketer we look for events to use as launch vehicles. Product management tells us when the new releases will be ready, and we scour the calendar for the best event to use as a launch vehicle.

If it happens anytime close to your company’s customer conference, you know what the launch vehicle will be. All launch planning will work back from that date, and in big companies you will start planning six to nine months out (if you can get a confirmed date that far ahead!). You’ll confirm your executives will be there, you plan auxiliary events. Have y’all ever had to book a restaurant or club in Vegas? Sometimes you need a year to get the perfect spot.

You plan on your best engineers to be available for customers, a booth presence to wow everyone, and of course content. SO MUCH TO WRITE.

What happens when the world shuts down? Conferences are shut down, no one can travel. Everything moves online. How do you plan an interactive online experience that is not just boring and flat? I think this event was one part of the Dell Technologies launch plan for these products, and I think it was a great idea to to go to Tech Field Day to get the info in front of the community.

I mean, of course I do. When I was at EMC I brought the EMC Ed Services Information Storage & Management book to the delegates when they came to Hopkinton at Tech Field Day. I hosted Tech Field Day in Round Rock when I was a Product Marketing Manager for Dell Data Protection. I’ve always thought Tech Field Day is an excellent tool for launch activities. I’m glad to see the teams are still using it!

Creative Way to Share Messaging

If you notice in the picture of my swag bag, there is a little lego PowerStore appliance! What I found fascinating was the instruction booklet for putting it together. Every page had the messaging for the launch! It had messaging, hashtags, URL for more info. I thought this was very clever.

My PoweredUp Content

My review of the technical content that the PoweredUp team presented can be found here. I also made two promotional videos.

Real Talk

I really enjoyed the TFDx PoweredUp event. I appreciated getting some nice food and swag, I loved seeing my old team mates. I really enjoyed hearing how things they started planning years ago are now real products, that’s very cool.

Check out my review, and also the Tech Field Day page for the event, where the feedback from other delegates will be posted. Let me know if you have any questions!

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